Organize BC

Accelerating progressive movements

Social Impact

Engagement Organizing


Branding, UI/UX, Development

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Organize BC has supported more than 1000 social and environmental organizers through training, coaching, and community building since 2001. We worked closely with Organize BC in order to refresh their brand strategy and launch an enhanced digital presence.

"Along with a rebrand we've gained a dedicated ally to our mission. Can't recommend the Good Kind team highly enough."

Peter Gibbs

Co-Director, OrganizeBC

Accelerating progressive movements

The Seed

We started with brand discovery exercises that gave Organize BC the tools it needed to explore key aspects of its organizational identity, answer core brand questions, and redefine the story it wanted to share with the world.

This revealed a pivotal point in our rebranding process - Organize BC was ready to shed its identity as a training organization and embrace a new identity that matched its much broader progressive vision as a social change accelerator in both Canada and the US.

The slogan “Accelerating Progressive Movements” surfaced during this discovery work, and soon became the thematic foundation as our two teams collaborated on building a more energizing brand and compelling story to its audience of changemakers.

Engagement Organizing

The Solution

Every great story starts by finding the right words. For Organize BC, these included , “movement”, “organization”, “collaboration”, “community”, and “diversity”. Together, those words lead us to a realization - the organizing and training Organize BC does is very much like the emergent systems that occur in our natural world.

Emergent systems occur when smaller elements come together to create complex systems that eventually lead to critical behavioural shifts. And as time passes, this emergent system becomes ever more self-organizing and resilient against outside disruption. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

This concept worked perfectly for Organize BC: their programs accelerate large progressive movements by first training individuals who then plugin into their circles to share and distribute their skills and knowledge - amplifying their training's impact exponentially.

Engagement Organizing
Organize BC
Engagement Organizing
Engagement Organizing
Engagement Organizing

The Results

We crafted a fun, fresh, and energetic brand strategy that expresses the progressive mission and the personality of the organization. Our new design identity to represent emergent systems in nature using simple triangles communicates forward momentum, optimism, and diversity.

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